Print high resolution, readable codes & marks on electronic parts

The use of Identification and traceability coding & marking is essential in the electronics industry. To brand products, mark them with part numbers & manufacturing information, and identify counterfeit product requires a coding & marking printer, which:
prints high resolution, readable codes, and marks
can print in small font sizes
operates at a speed that does not slow the production line
requires minimal maintenance and has a high operating efficiency

The dependable performance of RNJet’s industrial coders and markers is remarkable because they don’t need any attention; changing the ink cartridge is all the maintenance that’s required. Coupled with our specially formulated inks, you can easily print on a variety of substrates such as:
Metals, Plastic, Plated surfaces, Laminates, Ceramics and more

Широк избор боја као што су црна, пигментисана бела и жута, црвена, плава, ФДГ и УВ црна даје вам флексибилност да обележите практично сваки производ онако како желите. 

More Printers Great for Electronic Application

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